What a Beautiful Day (Flash Fiction)

Pastor Ethan sat hunched over, hands clasped, head hanging, in the supply room of the church ten minutes before Sunday service. Two people had already mistaken him for being in the midst of prayer and, thankfully, left him alone. His foot tapped irregularly on the dirt-brushed floor. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Ten more minutes. He couldn’t do it.

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“It was supposed to be flowers” (Flash Fiction)

It was James’s first anniversary and he had forgotten to get a gift for his wife. He was munching on his Cuban sandwich at the Big Island Bar when the realization came to him. It was 12:32pm; dinner was at 6 o’clock at the Rosario. James tossed a few bucks on the table and went for the door, eager to stop at the flower shop before lunch ended, but a man in uniform stopped him at the front.

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Mindfulness (Short Story)

I tell the lady at the front desk that it’s my first meditation session. It isn’t quite true; I’ve sat on pillows in my bedroom before and tried to think about nothing. I always ended up on my phone. Probably should have tried to silence it. This time I left my phone in the car. I’m unsuccessfully ignoring my anxiety. What if my mom calls and says dad’s had another heart attack? What if my job needs me immediately or else I’m fired? What if my wife calls and says she’s been in a car crash? No, she’d call 911 first. I made sure I told her to do that. That’s what I’d do. I tell the lady at the front desk it’s my first session. She says she knows, that I said so already. I think about my phone.

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